Summer Tech Institute

At Mt. Blue


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Calendar Schedule Icon

14- 15


8am- 3Pm

Mt. Blue Campus

How it Works

Make the Summer Tech Institute work for you!

Come one day,

Come both days,

Come only to the sessions that call to you!

Show your interest and earn a grand prize raffle ticket

or decide last minute to show up!

The choice is YOURS!

Come explore in the Tech Playground!

Tech Support is also available all day, both days!


“I liked that there wasn't any pressure to sign up for the whole thing. We could pick and choose what was relevant to us and come and go as needed.”

Feedback vector icon

“The presentations were relevant to current tech trends.”

“Loved that multiple options were offered at once, loved the playground and open tech support. Prizes were a nice bonus in addition to CEUs and new knowledge gained.”

“I can’t wait for next year!! I liked the sessions later in the summer. It got me back into the routine and the new things I want to use are fresh in my mind.”

learn something new everyday sticker


Blank Certificate

Contact Hours



3 Grand Prizes

Raffle ticket icon
Concept of Teamwork, Social Networks, Global Communication


Tech Support

tech support help icons
Arrow Indicating Signboard with Prizes Bonus Sign
Neon Icon. Neon retro winner for banner design. Win prize. P

Prize Table


Wednesday, August 14th

Tech Support Available


in the Food Court

Enjoy time in the

Tech Playground as well!

Fill out this Interest Survey

and build your schedule!

Earn a Grand Prize raffle ticket when you do!


Thursday, August 15th

Tech Support Available


in the Food Court

Enjoy time in the

Tech Playground as well!

Fill out this Interest Survey

and build your schedule!

Earn a Grand Prize raffle ticket when you do!

Alison Loud

Shawn Russell

Abby Thompson

Sarita Crandall

Hope Gould

Adam Masterman


Martha Thibodeau

Nicole Karod

Jeff Ireland

Ian Collins

Kate Kastelein

Denise Mochamer

Frank Giampietro

Mary Ellen Quimby

Joanna Snell

Patty Veayo

Tyler Brown

Katie Joseph

Jake Bogar

Stacey Augustine

Olivia Brown

Madeline Walsh

Kevin Bremner

Nicole Lesperance

Erin Landry


Picture Gallery

Google Forms

Learn Google Form tips and tricks, ​including how to create surveys and ​present data for your own use, and an ​activity you can do with students so that ​they can begin learing how to use forms to ​gather and analyze data.

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Google Classroom - Beginner

Description TBA

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Google Classroom - Intermediate

If you feel confident using Google ​Classroom to post announcements ​and assignments, join us to learn tips ​and tricks for getting more out of this ​digital platform.

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Google Classroom - Plus Features

If you feel confident using Google ​Classroom to post announcements ​and assignments, join us to learn tips ​and tricks for getting more out of this ​digital platform.

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Google Basics - Parts 1 & 2

Come learn about the basics of ​GSuite, GMail, and Google Docs. ​Come with specific questions in mind ​or attend to learn some quick tips ​and tricks to be a pro with Google!

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Tech for Simplifying Your Life

with Google

Quick tips that might just save you time ​and sanity! Ways to make the most of ​Chrome and the Google Suite.

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Canva Newsletters

"Old Skool" communication using new ​technology

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Canva Basics

If you're not using Canva, you ​should be! Learn how to get ​started with this amazing tool. ​Particiapnts will create Postcards ​using some of Canva's incredible ​effects.

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Canva Advanced

Already familiar with Canva, ​learn how to ramp up your Canva ​products. Among it's many ​features, we will look at using the ​built-in AI features.

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AI Overview

Join us for an overview of AI as ​we discuss what AI is, machine ​learning, AI prompting and how ​to use it to increase procuctivity.

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MagicSchool AI

Are you new to AI and want a ​platform that will ease you into it? ​Come and try Magic School. We will ​look at how to use the platform and ​the tools within it that can boost your ​productivity.

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Generative AI - Beginner

In this session we will look at how AI ​works, prompting and some great ​tools to use.

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Generative AI - Intermediate/Advanced

Are you ready to start thinking about ​AI in your classroom and using it with ​students? Join me for using AI ​ethically and teaching your students ​how to do the same.

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Streamling Communication Using ​Technology

Description TBA

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Scratch Part 1 & 2

Whether you've worked with Scratch before or are brand ​new to it, you should come to this workshop! If you're a ​science teacher, math teacher, foreign language teacher, ​music teacher, or health teacher, you should come to this ​workshop! We will first explore how students have used ​Scratch for a science topic. Then there will be some sandbox ​time to learn the inner working of Scratch. To round off this ​session, you will be challenged and given time to create a ​lesson that could be applied in your classroom that ​incorporates Scratch in some way or form.

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Computer Science Overview & WFR

The WorkForce Ready 2030 Project is a Research ​Practice Partnership (RPP) focused on integrating ​computer science skills and practices that align with ​workforce needs in K-12 classrooms. MSAD 58, RSU ​9, and RSU 78 are currently involved in the project. ​Come learn about opportunties available in the ​coming year and resources developed through the ​project.

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3D Printing

3D Printing for the Classroom, getting ​started resources and integration ​examples.

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Lego Spike - Essentials

Explore the LEGO Essentials kits and ​ways to incorporate them in the ​elementary classroom.

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Lego Spike - Prime

Explore LEGO Prime kits. I can help ​show you setup, timing of lessons and ​programming. Plenty of sandbox time!

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Best Practices for K-5 iPad Use

Come learn and play with some tech ​and apps at the K-5 level. We will focus ​on the creation aspect of iPads. We can ​explore projects and activites for all ​learners.

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Best Practices for 6-12 iPad Use

Unlock the full potential of iPads with our session ​on best practices. Learn to optimize your iPad ​setup, manage educational apps, and use Google ​Education Plus to create, distribute, and collect ​assignments seamlessly. Master multitasking with ​side-by-side screen use and enhance classroom ​management with Guided Access, Screen Time, and ​digital citizenship strategies.

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Apple Classroom

Description TBA

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Apple Teacher

Come and learn new skills on ​your own time and with your own ​personal preference. You can ​build your own knowledge and ​expertise in various apps and ​programs.

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iMovie and Clips

Come and learn how to create videos and ​clips for teaching and learning. You can ​make videos for kids, parents or the ​world. You can start a flipped classroom ​or ready to share your knowledge with ​others. 3, 2, 1 lights, camera, action!

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Animation with Pages

This session will guide you through the ​powerful yet often overlooked animation ​features within Apple Keynote. Learn how ​Keynote can elevate your projects and ​inspire creativity in the classroom!

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Apple Accomodations and Shortcuts

Whether you're looking to support ​diverse learning needs or streamline your ​daily tasks, this workshop will provide ​practical insights and hands-on ​demonstrations.

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Beginner/Intermediate Clever

Learn how to set up your Clever ​account for your students to ​make logging into apps easier!

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Seesaw - Beginner

Come and take a look what Seesaw has to ​offer. If you are not using Seesaw yet, let's ​get started. It is a game changer! Set up your ​class and explore the features and the many ​ways to use Seesaw for documentation, ​communication, assesments and ​independent work.

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Seesaw - Intermediate/Advanced

Come and learn how to use ​Seesaw more effectively and ​efficiently. You can create or edit ​activities, schedule assessments ​and lots more.

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What practices can I put into ​place to break down the barriers ​in my classroom? We will look at ​methods and tools to increase ​the inclusion of ALL students!

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Green Screens

Whether you want to transport your ​students to historical landmarks, conduct ​virtual science experiments, or enhance ​storytelling, this workshop will provide ​you with the tools and techniques to make ​learning more dynamic and engaging.

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Learn how you can give your ​students an audio choice for ​showing proficiency.

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Middle School Broadcasting

Explore the endless possibilities of having ​a news broadcast program in your own ​school! I will show an example of what my ​middle school students were able to ​accomplish and the basics for how to ​make your own broadcast within your ​school.

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Student Led Learning

How do you shift to SLL? Let's ​look at four techniques/activities ​that you can use from the start of ​the school year.

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You may have heard of gamification, the ​idea of pulling in game elements to your ​classroom but thought “I don’t have time or ​it’s hard to do”. Join me and I’ll show you ​easy ways to incorporate gamification fun ​and engagement into any content.

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Breakout Rooms

You may have asked yourself, "how do I ​even start to create a breakout ​experience for my students?" I'll help ​you with techniques and resources and ​we will start the process together.

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Streamling Communication Using ​Technology

Description TBA

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Tech for Lesson Planning

In this session we will explore ​programs like Nearpod, Kahoot!, ​Canva and much more!

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Tech for Teacher Eval

Utilize Google Forms, online ​game platforms, and more to ​make tracking and succeeding in ​your teacher eval goals easy!

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Tech for Sub Plans

Tech that can save you in that ​last second scramble to get your ​sub plans ready!

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Tech for TVs

Make the most of the switch from ​whiteboard to TV using tech ​tools.

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PowerSchool - Beginner

Let’s get started with navigating ​the PowerTeacher SIS (Student ​Information/attendance) and ​Gradebook tabs.

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PowerSchool - Intermediate/Advanced

In this session we will explore ​features such as creating ​categories, adding assignments, ​accessing reports, and much ​more.

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PowerSchool Employee Records

This session is for

Mt. Blue Tech Coaches only

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Checkology is an online learning software developed by the News ​Literacy Project in partnership with Common Sense Media. This ​software offeres a variety of lessons that are multimedia rich, ​user friendly, and inherently provide many digital accomodations ​to those who require them. I can't speak highly enough of this ​software that promotes literacy (with a focus on news literacy and ​high quality journalism). I will be offering a window in the variety ​of lessons and content available on the site and describing ways ​in which I have used it in my own practice.

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Come to learn the basics of Nearpod. A free ​online tool to make slide presentations ​interactive. I will show you how to upload a ​presentation you already have and turn it ​into an interactive Nearpod lesson for your ​students. You will also learn how you can ​make your own presentation!

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PASCO and Vernier Science Probes and ​Software

Help your students explore and ​understand their world through ​measurement probes, software analysis ​and simulations.

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Join us to explore the features of ​Notability, a note-taking app. We will ​explore the library, note-taking, writing ​and sketching, and more!

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Book Creator - Beginner

Quick intro to Book Creator, specifically ​for elementary and middle school.

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CuriPod - Overview

Description TBA

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Digital Art Platforms

Procreate on iPad primarily, with ​some info on other programs.

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TPT Store - Finding and Creating ​Worksheets

Set up your very own TPT store and learn ​to create worksheets for yourself and ​others! (Pairs great with a Canva ​session!)

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ADS Training

Q/A, tips, useful reports that summarize ​account balances for general budget & ​grants

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